Choosing a CMS for Django projects: Wagtail or DjangoCMS

by Halit Celik

When it comes to choosing the best Content Management System (CMS) for my projects, my priority has always been to follow the adage, "The path you know is the shortest one." However, I often feel like I might be missing out on something better. So, occasionally, I explore other CMS options, primarily those built in the Django ecosystem.

In the realm of Django-based CMSs, two main contenders stand out: Django CMS and Wagtail. Wagtail is the newer, shinier option, while Django CMS is the older sibling—about seven years older, to be precise.

Both systems offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, and either can generally help you achieve your project goals. Some tasks are easier to accomplish in Django CMS, while Wagtail might simplify others, both for developers and content editors.

Django CMS was originally developed in Switzerland, which is an interesting and relevant detail. Switzerland is a multilingual country where supporting multiple languages is often a necessity. If you’re a Swiss web development agency, multilingual capability is likely a core requirement, and Django CMS addresses this need "by default."

This "by default" support for multilingual content is particularly valuable. While many web development frameworks can handle multiple languages, they often require additional packages or external tools. The fact that Django CMS integrates multilingual support directly and seamlessly sets it apart and simplifies the process significantly.